School Blog

Mini Marathon

Year 4 are still loving their daily mile to ensure they do a mini marathon by the 10th May. Well done 

Marvellous Merits in Yr4

What a bumper lot of certificates that were issued today. From head teacher's award, silver awards, walk to school and swimming certificate. Fantastic work Year 4. 

Nature Scavenger Hunt and Bug Hunting

This week we went on a super Nature Scavenger Hunt. We had to find different natural objects that were either smooth, tiny or large. We found lots of shiny blue Alder Beetles and so we improved the bug hotel and then we found some tiny snails and ground beetles. 


An experience taking us back to 1941 during WW2, our trip enabled children to see and learn about what life would have been like during the war.

Gas masks, bombs, trying on clothes that would have been through 'make do and mend' were just a few of the hands on experiences that children had today.

Walking through the Air Raid Shelter and seeing for ourselves what  a black out would have felt like was amazing.

In the words of Year 3, "the best trip ever".

Washing hands experiment

Today in Science (Health and hygiene), we investigated the importance of washing our hands correctly. We looked at how quickly germs can spread and where germs come from. The children loved this investigation and I am sure they will tell you all about it! 

Planting Beans

Reception have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We planted our own beans and have been taking good care of them. We have been learning all about what plants need to grow.
