School Blog

Welcome to Year 5

Step back in time to the Victorian Era with the Year 5 children and Mrs Blomeley. Who will they be learning about this half term?

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. Our very exciting topic on volcanoes has taken Mrs Slate, Ms McCoy and Year 4 on a whistle stop tour of the world. What interesting facts we are all involved in learning!

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. Miss Austin and the children have been flying high from September...I wonder what countries they will visit?

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. Miss Trasler and Year 2 have been getting off into space. The children were extremely animated in finding a fallen star on the school field.

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1. Mrs Cowling and the children in Year 1 are making a magical start to the year. Look out for witches and wizards appearing in your home.

Foundation Stage

Welcome to our Foundation unit where Miss Barker, Miss Machin and a team of teaching assistants provide a fabulous learning environment for the young starters at Broadbent Fold.

Welcome to Year 6

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  • Aug 05, 2014

Last Half term, our topic was "From Rags to Riches" incorporating our Panto, Aladdin. Year 6 children and all the staff starred in Aladdin. Meet the "Twankies" below!! "Oh no, they didn't!! Oh yes, they did....!"

We are aiming high to use our permanent WILF targets within our writing.

Creative Curriculum Theme "Tapas Travels" for Spring Term One.

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  • Aug 05, 2014

Welcome to the Cafe Sesame!! We have enjoyed using our Role Play area to develop our Spanish language and culture knowledge Here we are in Design and Technology, working on our 3d Clay model art designs for our Cafe Tapas Travels characters!!

Our parents and the publishing company enjoyed our Webquest Presentations about the History, Geography and culture of Spain!!

Raising Money For Charity

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  • Aug 05, 2014

Year 6 have been creating a charitable enterprise and marketing bracelets to raise money for charity
