School Blog

How did the Romans change Britain?

This half term, our topic in Year 4 is 'How did the Romans change Britain?' where we will be learning all about the rise of the Roman empire, the resistance against Boudica and how the Roman's helped to advance British society. We also have our Roman themed trip to the Grosvenor Museum in Chester to look forward to!

Please see the attached topic web for more information about what your child will be learning this half term.

PE activities in Year 5!

Year 5 have got off to a great start with their PE sessions!  In Tag Rugby, with Mr Williams the Sports Coach, they have been practising the correct way to hold a rugby ball, as well as learning the importance of using different kinds of passes.  In Hockey, the children started by learning how to hold the wooden hockey sticks correctly and moved on to practising their dribbling skills.  They enjoyed a game of "Rob the Nest" by attempting to dribble as many balls as possible from the centre "nest" to their own hoops!  Brilliant work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 6.9.24

What a fantastic start to Year 5 we have had!  The whole class received a Headteacher's merit!  It was so difficult to choose a particular person as they have all impressed me in some way!  Other awards were given for great Maths work and our Good to be Green awards were presented, as always, for following our school rules of being Ready, Respectfu; and Safe!  Thank you Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 5 - Autumn Term 1 - What was life like for Victorian children?

Welcome to Year 5!  Our first half term's topic is "What was life like for Victorian children?" and we have some exciting and inspiring activities to help us delve into this important period in history.  Our visit to George Street Chapel will enhance their learning and help the class to empathise with children from the past.  Have a look at the Medium Term Plan below to find other activities planned for all areas of the curriculum.  Also attached is the Challenge Home Learning grid for this term’s topic.  This contains activities to complete if you are home learning, or just want to do some

House Captains

Our new House Captains have been voted for Sapphire, Amber, Ruby and Emerald. Good luck to our new houses. Let's see who our first winner is! 

Stars of the week

Well done to all the children in Year 2 for their hard work and fantastic attitude to learning this week. Special congratulations to Year 2 children who received Good to be Green and Headteacher's Awards. 

Responsibilities in Y6

Look at all our amazing Year 6 leaders. We have Head Boy and Head Girl, Pupil Leaders, Sports Leaders, Prefects, Librarians and House Leaders. They will be excellent role models for the whole school! 

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to our Nursery!

We are enjoying our first few days at school. The children are settling in well and are enjoying exploring in the new areas. I am so proud of them!

This half term we will be looking for signs of autumn and sharing the story of 'Leaf Man'. I have attached the Medium Term Plan and Home Learning Grid for anyone wanting to do some additional learning (this is entirely optional).

Mrs Tennant
