Class Blog

Year 3 2024-2025 Blog

Maths creative week

An exciting week in Year 3, we have been testing out our reasoning skills through maths puzzles, singing songs and different workshops. It's been a super maths week!

Hot air balloons

In our topic lessons this half term, we have been getting very messy making paper mache hot air balloons. We began researching different balloon designs and then sketched our own before we started creating them.  We have finally finished them this week and they look fantastic!


This week was our first lesson at playing Hockey in P.E. We learnt how to hold are stick safely, control the ball and dribble. We all really enjoyed it and can't wait for next week's lesson.

Magical Moments for Reading Buddies!

Year 3 and Year 5 are enjoying their weekly Reading Buddy sessions each Friday and last week was extra special when Year 5 read their Fantasy stories to Year 3.  They took along some of the magical items that they'd designed and made as a homework project to be used as a feature in their narratives.  Luke from Year 3, whose reading buddy is Jai. said he felt like he was the main character (Michael) in the story because Jai let him hold the magical Marble Ring whilst Jai read the story to him.

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3. Miss Austin and the children have been flying high from September...I wonder what countries they will visit?
