Class Blog

Year 5 2024-2025 Blog

BBF computing ambassadors at KidsMeet!

Children from Year 5 have been in demand this half term!  Three of our computing experts from Year 5 were invited to attend an event called KidsMeet with Mr Chaudry at Astley College.  This is a new initiative to enable children to share their learning across schools.  Our representatives showcased their recently created promotional videos and games to children from other schools in the area.  Teachers and children were extremely impressed by their excellent movie making and programming skills! Well done!


Year 5's River Studies trip to Park Bridge!

It was such a perfect summer's day for Year 5's visit to Park Bridge!  The weather was beautiful and the class were able to see for themselves some of the parts of a river they had been learning about in class.  Even our tour guide Lesley was impressed with Year 5's knowledge!  We saw an example of a meander, a weir and a culvert (a structure that allows water to flow under a road,)  We also found lots of plants around the river and evidence of different types of seed dispersal.

Anglo Saxon Fun in Year 5 !

Year 5 enjoyed making their shields during our topic on "King Arthur - Truth or Legend".  They learnt about the Anglo Saxons and wrote some fabulous playscripts where they created new adventures for King Arthur.  They also acted out three of the plays to the class and Ms Thornton Jones, who was dazzled by the acting skills in Year 5. In fact, we think there are a number of budding actors and actresses in this class!

Magical Moments for Reading Buddies!

Year 3 and Year 5 are enjoying their weekly Reading Buddy sessions each Friday and last week was extra special when Year 5 read their Fantasy stories to Year 3.  They took along some of the magical items that they'd designed and made as a homework project to be used as a feature in their narratives.  Luke from Year 3, whose reading buddy is Jai. said he felt like he was the main character (Michael) in the story because Jai let him hold the magical Marble Ring whilst Jai read the story to him.

Super Science Week!

Science Week was a huge success last week!  Billy Branston’s Amazing Potato Factory was resident in the car park from Tuesday to Thursday and all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6 spent an hour in the bus. They engaged in hands on tasks such as planting; growing and storage; sorting and weighing and nutrition and cooking. Key Stage 2 were extremely lucky to visit the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester where they enjoyed fun and educational interative shows and activities.

Model Making in Year 5 !

This term Year 5 have massively improved their knowledge of the countries in Europe together with their capital cities, flags and famous landmarks.  All the class enjoyed  D & T sessions where they sketched, planned and built  some impressive models of landmarks around Europe.

Year 5 Explore Europe!

Year 5 are enjoying their new topic - EXPLORING EUROPE!  For their homework task they spoke to members of their family about countries they have visited within Europe.  The result?  Some fantastic presentations together with photographs and items of interest from lots of different countries.  During the presentations the children used excellent speaking and listening skills and we have all learnt new facts about Europe.  For instance, Jessica told us all about the story of Nando's cockerel from Portugal.

Year 5 go to University!

On Thursday 20th November five children from Year 5 were invited to Manchester University as part of a Primary Awareness procect.  Along with children from five other Dukinfield schools they met Student Ambassadors who gave the children a tour of the campus and spoke about some of the courses available.  In the afternoon the children visited the Pharmacy department and used pestle and mortars to make tablets!  It was a fantastic day and all of the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

Year 5's Woodland Week

Woodlands Week was a great success in Year 5.  We were able to use the school's new microscopes to study leaves.  The children were fascinated when Mrs Anson found galls on leaves which will eventually hatch into wasps.  They also discovered some black spots (tar spots) on some of the sycamore leaves.  We now know that this is evidence of there being little pollution in the air surrounding our school!   Another favourite activity was our Woodlands Art; the children brought in some interesting stems, leaves and flower heads to creatre some beautiful artwork on the school field.

Welcome to Year 5

Step back in time to the Victorian Era with the Year 5 children and Mrs Blomeley. Who will they be learning about this half term?
