Year 4 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 4! 

Miss Mainprize is the Class Teacher and Mrs Gething is the Teaching Assisstant in Years 3 and 4. 

Our topic in Autumn 1 is 'How did the Romans change Britain?' where we will be learning all about how the Romans helped to advance British society, Boudica and famous Roman emperors such as Julius Caesar. We will also be visiting The Grosvenor Museum in Chester on 20th September for a fun-filled Roman day!

Here is some information you may find useful:

- PE is on Tuesday (tag rugby - outdoor) and Wednesday (dance - indoor). Please make sure you have your indoor and outdoor PE kits in school including PE pumps and trainers and any earrings are taken out. Please make sure everything is labelled.

- Swimming is every Thursday so make sure you have a swimming costume/trunks, towel and swimming hat for long hair.

- A home learning grid will be sent home at the start of every term linked to the topic in school. These activities are to be completed at your own leisure either in your child's homework book or uploaded to Seesaw. They will also be set a weekly task linked to their timestables and may be set additional tasks on Maths and Writing (Handwriting/SPaG). Tasks may also be set on Mathletics. Please ensure your child has their homework book in school every Friday as new work will be set and any feedback will be given.

If you wish to contact us, you can message me through our class Seesaw, request a telephone / face to face consultation via the main office or email me via or 0161-303-9411. 

All parent updates / notes will be sent via our class Seesaw. 

Please make sure you check out our class blog and Seesaw to stay updated with our most current adventures!

Miss Mainprize

Class Teacher(s)

Year 1 Teacher