School Blog

Silver Medal Winners!

Our year 5 and 6 cricket team took part in a tournament yesterday against 8 other Tameside Primary Schools at Hyde Cricket ground. They won their round of matches and made it to the final against Arles. We did outstanding fielding, batting and team work. I was so proud to support and observe our young people going for gold! We came away with the silver medal, which we are so proud of. Next our year 3 and 4 pupils will take the challenge and I cannot wait to see how they do. Our trophy will being placed in our ever-growing cabinet. 

Well done Year 6 and good luck!

All of Year 6 won the Headteacher's Award today for their incredible hard work in preparation for their SATs next week. You arte all so ready and we wish you every luck!

Luca also won the Headteacher's Award for his super coding skills.

Well done to our Good to be Green winners Ruby and Ethan.

Also well done to our Gold Award winners this week. 

How plants grow!

Year 3 have started investigating the conditions needed for plants to grow.

They are going to observe over time to see how the seeds grow without light, warmth, soil and water!

Coding in Y6

We have been using Purple Mash coding this half term. Today we have used flow charts to help us debug certain items in a simulation game. We then had to program some other items including a TV, robot and car. Many children made the car move when a remote control was clicked. Others programmed the TV to turn on a Minecraft game. 

Geography Skills in Year 4

Year 4 have been working together and using their homework knowledge about rivers to order the course of a river. They found it really challenging to order the photographs but persevered. Well done Y4. 

Mini marathon

Year 6 have been taking part in the mini marathon this half term in which they need to run 2.6 miles over a certain amount of time.

Well done Year 6!

Schools Linking

For our School Linking Project Broadbentfold Primary welcomed Lum Head Primary. Children really enjoyed creating a Together Town collage together, writing Together poems.

Most importantly it was a special day creating memories with their new friends.
