Forest School Blog

Making pizza wraps

Year 2 really enjoyed making their own pizza wraps, making soup in the mud kitchen and making homes for different characters.

Forest School fun with Year 5

Year 5 have been practising their knot tying skills by making fantastic bows and arrows. They also had great fun playng their favourite game - Forest Ranger and using berries to make natural dyes.  The group were so happy when they saw a beautiful rainbow and wanted a picture under the rainbow!

Flag making

Today in forest school the children have been playing the sparrow hawk game, making bows and arrows and using clay. They also used the hapazome technique to colour cloth with leaves and berries to make their own flags.

Making natural dyes from berries

Year 5 decided to make their own natural dye from blackberries and used elestic bands to make some fantastic tie dye patterns.  They also making a grappling hook and some delicious pizza wraps.
