Forest School Blog

Climbing Trees and Clay Faces

Year 4 have been looking for faces in the trees and using clay to design their own tree faces.  Some children even made their own hedgehogs.  They have had fun balancing on the slackline and climbing trees to see the world from a bird's eye view.

Forest School Fun

The children in Reception have had a fun time in forest school playing 1,2,3 where are you, using the guttering to make water slides, balancing on the slackline, making blobsters and leaf bashing.

Musical Instruments

Recption had fun making musical instruments for their orchestra.  They used natural materials that they found amongst the trees.

Hug a Tree Game

Y6 enjoyed playing the blindfold Hug a Tree game and working cooperatively to turn over the tarp without standing on the grass!

Forest School Tyre Rolling and Scavenger Hunt

Year 1 have been using their observation skills to find lots of different natural resources in a scavenger hunt.  They had a  fun tyre rolling competition, playing in the mud kitchen and making lovely leaf prints using the technique of Hapazome (leaf bashing).

Super Forest School Session

Year 2 had a fantastic time in forest school.  The have been making beautiful leaf prints using the technique of Hapazome (leaf bashing), climbing the trees, designing and making a water slide.  Log jumping and using their balancing skills.  Well done Year 2!

Den building

Year 2 had a fantastic time building dens, identifying leaves and exploring the forest school area.

Fun at Forest School

The second group of Year 1 realy enjoyed their first forest school session.  They played the forest ranger game, learnt about different trees, did some leaf bashing (Hapa zome), bark rubbing and made dinner in the mud kitchen!
