Forest School Blog

Forest School Fun with Year 3

Year 3 have had fun in forest school playing the follow the leader game and having a go at safely making mini fires.  They have also been using clay, sticks and other natural resources to make their own creations.

Making Super Bird Feeders

Year 3 have been making fantastic bird feeders ready for the Big Schools' Bird Watch.  They also had fun making cakes in the mud kitchen and playing the Sparrow Hawk game.

Making Fantastic Bird Feeders

This week Year 2 have been making some fantastic bird feeders to encourage the birds to come to our school grounds ready for the Big Schools' Bird Watch. 

Using tools

Year 4 have been safely using peelers to whittle wood and make some Christmas decorations.  They also enjoyed playing a hiding game called Closer, Closer.

Leaf ID and being creative with leaves

Year 4 have enjoyed identifying trees using their leaves and using the leaves to make faces, people and animals.  They have also listened to the story of The Green Man and used clay to make faces in the trees.

Fantastic Teamwork

Year 6 have been showing their fantastic listening and teamwork skills by making an obstacle course using loose parts, working as a team to transport a ball from one side of the forest school site to another using drain pipes and playing the 'This is not a stick' game.
