Class Blog

Year 2 2024-2025 Blog

Anti-bullying assembly

Gary and Simon from Holy Trinity visited our school and spoke about how bullying wasn't the right thing to do. They spoke about Jesus and how he would do the right thing. We shared an important message:

Do to others as you would have them do to you!


Mathematics in a workplace

This week we are celebrating Mathematics Week England 2022. Year 2 were very lucky to have a parent visitor to talk and share how mathematics is used in his workplace and express the importance of Mathematics being a fundamental part of life. Thank you very much to X Dad for your time and support, the children loved it!

Remembrance Sunday

Thank you for all your support with this year's Poppy Appeal. Yesterday Xavier and his family with our governor Mr Moon lay a wreath at the Chapel Hill War Memorial. Thank you for attending this on behalf of Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery. School will continue to support the Royal British Legion and the charity work they do in our community. More information can be found -

Poland Independence Day

On Friday 11th November we celebrated Poland independence day. We celebrate by learning a Polish Folk dance and trying some yummy Polish food.  

This week's award winners are...

Well done to this week who received this week's Head-teacher and Good to be Green awards, they are well deserved! Well done to H and M who have received a swimming award at their after-school club, keep up the good work!

Planting Crocuses for World Polio Day

As part of World Polio Day 2022 the Eco leaders and chosen children from each class planted 500 crocuses in the school grounds.  These were kindly donated by Tameside Rotary.and members of the Rotary came to help and support the children with their planting.  Well done everyone, you all did a fantastic job!  We are looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the spring.

Flag making

Today in forest school the children have been playing the sparrow hawk game, making bows and arrows and using clay. They also used the hapazome technique to colour cloth with leaves and berries to make their own flags.

Ashton Mosque visit

Today, Year 1 and Year 2 visited Ashton Mosque as part of our RE topic (Year 2) ‘Who are Muslims and what do they believe? The children learnt all about the Islamic faith and took part in activities including greeting in Arabic, removing their shoes when entering the Mosque, trying on head scarfs and designing a prayer mat. The children were already very knowledgeable about Islam. The children also got to see Mosques from around the world and see / learn about what happens in a Mosque. Thank you to our parent helpers who supported us on our visit!
