
Our nursery team are Miss Tennant (nursery teacher), Miss Hatton ( teaching assistant)
We are thrilled to have the privilege of working with your children on the first steps of their educational journey and aim for this to be a happy time for both you and them.

We use Seesaw as the main way of sharing photographs, information etc. Please contact Mrs Tennant if you are unable to log in.

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Welcome to Year 1

Miss Mainprize is the class teacher, Mrs Vladuceanu is a 1:1 teaching assistant and Mrs Anson is a teaching assistant in Year 1.

Our topic in Summer 2  is 'Tremdendous Toys: Have you got this toy at home?' where we will be learning all about the toys our grandparents used to play with when they were younger. 

This term our PE days are on Monday and Wednesday so please make sure you have your PE kit in school and earrings are taken out.

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Welcome to Year 2 2023-2024.I hope you have all enjoyed your May half term! Only 7 weeks until our summer holidays! 

Here is some information you may find useful which is updated every half term (Summer term 2):

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Welcome to Year 3's home page.  

Mrs Slate and Mrs Gao are the Year 3 class teachers.

Key information:

Summer 2- PE kits are needed twice a week-  Wednesday and Thursday


Regularly reading.

Arrange of activities will be set on Seesaw for children to complete, try to complete 1 a week.

Mathletics- children to complete at least one activity a week.

Home learning grid sent home activities can be shared on Seesaw OR on paper (in a book) and brought into school.

Additional learning

Oak academy 


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Welcome to Year 4 with Mrs Higham- What a full fun packed year we have ahead

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Welcome back to our last Half Term in Year 5 - Summer Term 2.  Our final topic is "What makes South America a Continent of contrasts?  Reading the text “Trash” will highlight the plight of street children and provide a valid contrast to the developed countries of South America.  Alongside this, we will watch a children’s TV documentary, which shows a realistic view of young children in Brazil.

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Miss Harvey is the year 6 class teacher and Mrs Gething is the class HLTA who will cover PPA lessons every Friday. 

We have arrived at our final half term- the year has gone so quickly. This term our new topic for Summer 2 is: 'Why were the Mayans magnificent'? Please note the important dates on our topic overview which is on our class blog including the end of year dates for your diary. 

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Mrs Kleban is the class teacher and Miss Spalding is our HLTA

We are all thrilled to have the privilege of working with your children on the first steps of their educational journey and aim for this to be a happy time for both you and them.

We use Seesaw as the main way of sharing photographs, information etc. Please contact Mrs Kleban if you are unable to log in.

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