Year 5

Welcome back to our last Half Term in Year 5 - Summer Term 2.  Our final topic is "What makes South America a Continent of contrasts?  Reading the text “Trash” will highlight the plight of street children and provide a valid contrast to the developed countries of South America.  Alongside this, we will watch a children’s TV documentary, which shows a realistic view of young children in Brazil.

During Diversity Week, the children will celebrate the fact that we are all unique and yet all the same.  D&T week will provide opportunities to improve their Food Technology skills; they will make Guacamole, a traditional dish from South America.  In our Science topic, Properties and Changes of Materials, we will research and discuss how chemical changes have an impact on our lives (eg cooking) as well as researching the creative use of new materials such as polymers, super-sticky and super-thin materials.

We will also be taking part in Forest School with Mrs Anson this half term so please ensure that children bring in appropriate clothing each Wednesday!

PE this term will be on Wednesdays with our Sports Coach (Athletics). Thursdays with Charlie, our Rugby coach from the Jason Robinson Foundation and Fridays (Tennis) so please ensure that both indoor and outdoor kits are in school.  Have a look at our Class Blog to view the Medium Term Plan for this topic, where you will find other activities planned for all areas of the curriculum.  You will also find the Challenge Home Learning grid for Year 5, which contains activities to complete at home if your child wishes to do something extra!   This term's Creative Homework Task is to create a report on one of the South American countries we will learn about. We will choose these in class to avoid repetition.

Maths homework will continue on Mathletics and other activities will be added to Seesaw regularly.  Please continue to encourage Home Reading and our ongoing focus on Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation. 

 Finally, we have a ‘Taster Day’ booked at Rayner Stephens High School on Monday 24th June.  Whilst there, the children will be taking part in a variety of lessons!  More details to follow!

Thank you for all your support this year.  It is very much appreciated.  Mrs Blomeley

Class Teacher(s)