Club Blogs

Rounders competition

Last week, some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils braved the rain to take part in a rounders competition and have made it to the final on Tuesday! They had the following results...

BBF 4 - 3 Russell Scott A

BBF 3.5 - 7 Greenside

BBF 5 - 4.5 Russell Scott B

There were great batting and fielding skills and fantastic teamwork throughout. Well done everyone!

Jason Robinson Trust

A huge thank for the continued hard work and guidance our pupils are receiving from the Jason Robinson Trust. Coach, Charles has been rewarding effort and skills in rugby with some amazing prizes. Well done year 6 team! 

Silver Medal Winners!

Our year 5 and 6 cricket team took part in a tournament yesterday against 8 other Tameside Primary Schools at Hyde Cricket ground. They won their round of matches and made it to the final against Arles. We did outstanding fielding, batting and team work. I was so proud to support and observe our young people going for gold! We came away with the silver medal, which we are so proud of. Next our year 3 and 4 pupils will take the challenge and I cannot wait to see how they do. Our trophy will being placed in our ever-growing cabinet. 

Disney club

Lots of fun was had at the Disney Shooting Stars club tonight with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We played lots of games focusing on our fundamental movement skills whilst we pretended to be Mufasa, Simba, Nala, Zazu and Scar. We also practised our dribbling skills, throwing and catching. Finally we did a relay in teams to collect cones and then created a picture of Simba with them. Thank you to the Game Changers who helped to deliver the session and also judged the best Simba. 

Gardening Club

In gardening club we have weeded the beds and planted some carrot and lettuce seeds. We were delighted to find that our apple trees and cherry trees are producing flowers. Fingers crossed we will get lots of fruit in the autumn! 
