Head teacher's blog

Jason Robinson

We have had the best morning at Broadbent Fold - rugby legend Jason Robinson delivered a special assembly. The children were inspired by this magnificent athlete. He shared his history in sport and his current work with the Jason Robinson Foundation. The foundation currently deliver rugby each week with Charles - we are very grateful for all the support and dedication to our school. 

New Leaders...

Myself, Sam- Head Boy and Ruby- Head Girl have been reading all the new year 6 application forms. We received a huge amount of applications for the roles of Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefect - it was so tough to decide. We shall announce the results on Thursday 25th July in our celebration assembly. Every application was outstanding, well done to our current year 5. 

Year 6 Achievements

A huge well done to our year 6s and their achievements this year. I am a very proud Headteacher and know there has been a great amount of work put in everyday. Keep shining year 6! 

Summer Fair Fun

Thank you families for supporting us yesterday with our summer fair - thank goodness the sun came out! We will check what we have raised and this will support going towards trips and experiences for pupils. Thank you also to our school choir for their fabulous set and local singer Ellen Lynch. Our very own Glastonbury vibe. 

Win £1,000 for our school library.

Help school #rebuildthelibrary, plus win a £100/€120 National Book Token for yourself! Win £1,000 / €1,000 for your school’s library: Five lucky schools from across the UK and Ireland will each win £1,000/€1,000, with one overall winner also receiving £500/€500 to upgrade their library space. Nominate a school to win one of our big prizes and encourage reading for pleasure all year round.

Sports Week

Welcome to our sports week, which fits in perfectly with many sporting events - Euros, T20 cricket, Tour de France and the Olympics! We have different activities planned for each day including: Euro tournaments, paralympic games, rugby and glow in the dark dodge ball. Sports day is on Wednesday. Hoping for good weather! Healthy minds and healthy bodies. 

Jason Robinson Trust

A huge thank for the continued hard work and guidance our pupils are receiving from the Jason Robinson Trust. Coach, Charles has been rewarding effort and skills in rugby with some amazing prizes. Well done year 6 team! 

Brunch with Mrs Parker

Congratulations to our Good to be Green winners this half term - they have enjoyed a yummy treat after their sponsored walk. Well done superstars! 

House Points Winners

Congratulations to Team Sapphire who have won the House Cup. They will receive non-uniform on Friday 14th June. This team scored a huge 1,464 points. Well done! 
