Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Coban's Exceptional Amazon Work

Well done to Coban for his amazing Amazon Rainforest Power Point. I'm so pleased with your work and learning.  Keep up all the hard work and I hope you continue to enjoy the home learning projects. Well done Coban!

Times Table Rock Stars Tournament Year 4 v Year 5

What a brilliant battle it was last night between Year 4 and Year 5!  It was so close!  Year 5 won in the end so well done to all of you.  Here are the team members who worked extremely hard.  I was so impressed!   The top 3 most valuable players received their certificates by email last night. Brooke was the overall highest scorer.  Fantastic work!

Team Year 4:   Brooke (1st)  Scarlett (2nd)  Sophie (3rd)    Lucea, Tilly, Harley, Maisie,  Bobby, Annabelle,  Molly,  Laura,  Jessica,  Darcy, Harrison and Matilda

Y5 Home Learning 20th April

Dear Year 5, I do hope that you're all keeping well and that you had a fun filled Easter. This week we're carrying on with our research on The Amazon rainforest- enjoy learning about the animals and landuse. Please click on the Read More section to access the activities. 
