Year 2 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 2 2024-2025

Here is some information you may find useful:

Creative home learning is set at the beginning of every half term. The home learning grid is uploaded onto the school blog, seesaw and a paper copy (in their home learning book) will be sent home. The home learning activities are to be completed and uploaded to seesaw at your own leisure or presented in your child’s homework book. Children will be given opportunity to share their homework with their class.Each term your child will be given a variety of home learning to complete each week in their red home learning book. The home learning will vary between: mathematics, writing, reading and spelling, punctuation and grammar

Home learning is to reinforce and consolidate learning that has been taught in school.

Please ensure your child has their red home learning book in school each week new work will be set/issued and any feedback will be given.  Please note, homework may vary from work stuck into home learning books to online homework on Purple Mash etc.

Reading books (Phonics books and colour book banded books) and reading records will be monitored each week so please ensure they are brought to school every day. We aim for your child to read 1-1 with an adult at least once a week.

Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled PE kit for indoor (pumps) and outdoor lessons (trainers). All clothing and footwear must be labelled.

PE will take place every Monday and Thursday. The children will bring home their PE kit each week for washing and this will need to be returned every Monday. Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled 'water' bottle in school daily, sun-cream and a sun hat (weather dependant). 

If you wish to contact us, you can message us through Seesaw or email us via or 0161-303-9411. 

Please make sure you check out our class blog and seesaw to stay updated with our most current adventures!

Mrs Slate & Miss Laitl



Class Teacher(s)