Year 5 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 5!  I am looking forward to teaching our first half term's topic "What was life like for Victorian children?" We have some exciting and inspiring activities to help us delve into this important period in history.  We have arranged a visit  on Tuesday 1st October to George Street Chapel in Oldham, which will enhance the children's learning and help them to empathise with children from the past. Have a look at the Medium Term Plan on the blog to find other activities planned for all areas of the curriculum.  The MTP has also been emailed to you, together with the Home Learning Challenge grid, which explains the ideas for this half term's creative task, based on activities to complete if children wish to do something extra! 


To confirm, our PE days for this half term are on Tuesdays (Rugby with the Jason Robinson Foundation), Wednesdays (Tag Rugby with the Sports Coach) and Hockey each Friday.  Please ensure tha PE kits (indoor and outdoor) are in school on those days.  We tend to keep the kits in school and send them home for washing when school finishes for half term.


 Homework will come in a variety of forms. Maths homework will continue on Mathletics and other activities will be added to Seesaw regularly.  Please continue to encourage Home Reading and our ongoing focus on Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation. 

I hope you will be able to make our "Meet the Teacher" meeting on Tuesday 10th September.   Should you need to speak to me at any other time, please contact me via the school office and I will aim to answer your query as soon as possible. 


Here's to a great start to Year 5!

Kind regards

Mrs Blomeley



Class Teacher(s)