School Blog

Cheer Fest

Our KS2 cheerleading team took part in Cheer Fest today where they came 4th in Tameside. Feedback from the judges said we had a fierce chant, good technique on elite jumps and that they enjoyed our routine! Well done Firecrackers!

Micro:bit activity trackers

Today Year 6 have used their micro:bits as wearable travel trackers to record and analyse their activity during break times. All of the data we have recorded will be sent off for the BBC playground survey. 

New Leaders...

Myself, Sam- Head Boy and Ruby- Head Girl have been reading all the new year 6 application forms. We received a huge amount of applications for the roles of Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefect - it was so tough to decide. We shall announce the results on Thursday 25th July in our celebration assembly. Every application was outstanding, well done to our current year 5. 

Year 6 Achievements

A huge well done to our year 6s and their achievements this year. I am a very proud Headteacher and know there has been a great amount of work put in everyday. Keep shining year 6! 

Self Esteem Workshop

Today, Year 4 have looked at how to keep their mood positive. They have built up a bank of information to support them with being positive. What a fabulous way for changing your mindset. They used these ideas to create a superhero with amazing qualities. Well done Year 4. 

Decimal Dice!

As part of their Decimals unit in Maths, Year 5 enjoyed playing their newly created game of Decimal Dice!  The game helped them to use their decimal addition skills by earning gems!  Some children were very competitive!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 w/e 5.7.24

Another great week in Year 5 for Awards!  Headteacher's certificates were given for being a great role model and for using their Maths skills. Good to be Green awards for followng our school rules and this half term's Vocabulary Ninja certificate were also awarded. Glorious Gold awards were handed out to those who have achievied 170 star points in class!  Amazing work everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 

Diamond Cricket

Year 4 had a fabulous start to our diamond cricket game this week. Charlie's team beat Jacob's team 35 to 34. I look forward to next weeks battle. 
