School Blog

Ted's Terrific Learning

Ted has been busy with his home learning today focussing on his English skills. He has completed the comprehension for the story 'The Curse of the Black Shell' and been practising his spellings. He has also written some fantastic sentences about the fruit that the animals took off Handa in Handa's Surprise. Ted has watched the story of the Lost Coin and discussed what made him happy in the story. Keep up the fantastic work Ted! 

Abel's Amazing Learning

Abel has been busy with his home learning. He made a fruit salad today for his dinner where he chopped all the fruit himself! It looks delicious! He has also been comparing Africa to the South Pole; he has done some fantastic writing using the conjunction 'but' to compare them and has looked at where both places are on a globe. Abel has done some research about African dress and necklaces and made his own African necklace. He has learnt that the style and colour of the necklaces have different meanings and could show which tribe or family people belong to.

Laura's Science Fact Files!

Laura has been busy doing Fact Files as part of our Animals topic.  She has researched about Kimodo Dragons, which are reptiles and also Penguins,which are classed as birds, even though they don't fly!  Great work Laura!  Mrs Blomeley

Bradley's Reptile Research!

Bradley has been busy researching about Reptiles and has produced this excellent Fact File, with a great picture of a lizard.  Well done Bradley!  Super Science work!  Mrs Blomeley

World Teacher Day 20th May

Thank you to the teachers and staff at Broadbent Fold. You are simply wonderful.

Today we received a 'thank you teachers' gift bag from Morrisons. This was lovely to receive!

Thank you to all the hard-working teaching staff out there supporting home learning and keeping schools open for key workers!!

Ted's Tremendous Maths Work

Ted has been working hard on his Maths today learning all about positional language. He has also created his positional puzzle but he says it is quite tricky. I wonder if anyone can solve it. Keep up the fantastic work Ted!
