School Blog

Scarlett's Marvellous Maths!

Scarlett's mum has told me recently that Scarlett loves doing her White Rose maths work and this photograph proves it!  Well done Scarlett - I can see that you have simplified the fractions too, which  demonstrates that you are secure with equivalent fractions.  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Grace's letter

Thank you so much to Grace for completing her Bitesize work writing a letter. I am pleased that you decided to write to me- I have missed everybody so much.

I have sent Grace an email back- if anybody else would like to send me a letter over the next week I will send back a persoanl reply.

I hope to see you soon Grace :)

The Crawford's water fight

Kai and Connor have been taking advantage of this lovely weather and have had a ninja water fight. It sounds like you both had a lot of fun soaking everyone.

Well done Kai for winning the water battle. 

Ancient Greeks

Thank you Kasia for working ever so hard and typing all this information up on the Ancient Greeks.

See attachment below.

Be kind

Showing how kind Henry is, making bunting for his home to show others messages for being kind.

Well done Henry.

How could you be kind to others?
