School Blog

Aubrey's Amazing Coding

Aubrey had the challenge of programming his Lego robot called Boost around the circuit. He worked out the program through lots of trial and error and managed to get Boost all the way round the circuit. Fantastic work Aubrey, keep it up!

Extra activities

Please have a look at the following links for other activities that you can complete at home.

There are some great ideas for learning more about Spain.

I love the non-screen activities too.

Remember to send in samples of what you get up to :)

Jacob's fantastic work

Jacob thank you for sending in your English work writing about your lockdown experience- this will be interesting for you to look back on in the future. I am glad that you have found lots to enjoy to write about. 

I love your PE poster about staying fit too. It is so important to look after yourself especially when you're not as active as you normally would be.

Great ball skills too Jacob- it looks like you are keeping yourself very busy. Well done :)

Tilly's Acts of Kindness!

Tilly continued to be kind during Mental Health Awareness Week!  She did a mixture of things that were kind to others and herself, which is extremely important.  Her mindful walk, pamper day and chippy treat were all good for Tilly's well being.   Tilly's  pictures show  her 'kindness' diary and some of the things she did for others too.   Tilly also rescued a bee, with sugar and water. This act of kindness made Tilly happy because the bee is a symbol of  the Manchester bombing; she thought it was a sign, to remind her it was the anniversay.   Well done Tilly!  Mrs Blomeley

Reception Home Learning - 26th May

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend in the sunshine!

This week's home learning is attached below.

Please note there will be none set next week as it is half term.  Hopefully the nice weather will continue!

Education City will have more games added for you to have a go at.  Please keep up all your super reading!

Stay safe everyone!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

Year 5 Home Learning 25th May

Hello to all, thank you for your continued hard work-adults at home and children-and thank you to those who have sent work in to, I have loved seeing it all. I know a lot of you will be working hard behind the scenes also so well done to those too. You're doing a super job everyone and it is really appreciated. Please see the attached home learning for this week. Don't forget to click on read more and the link below the icon for the Home Learning. Please also see the attachments.
