School Blog

Home Learning Grid 8th June


Find attached Home School Learning Grid for week beginning the 8th June that will give you ideas of activities to complete this week. Click read more to access the files. Year 2 are starting a new topic The Seaside and it will continue throughout June and July. Continue to share all your fantastic work with us via Seesaw or email.

Miss Laitl and Mrs Neary


Home School Learning 8th June 2020

Home School Learning for week beginning the 8th June is attached, click read more to see the information.

Year 3 are starting to learn about World War 2, this theme will continue for June and July, it is an theme that is very much about local people and the history of WW2 and how it had such affects on people's lives. Contine to share work with us, we would love to hear if children have interviewed family members and friends (virtually of course) about their family history.

Skateboard design

Xander has taken such care to design a skateboard for the competition. 

Well done Xander.

Who else has designed a skateboard, send it to admin email or add it to Seesaw so we can see it.

Extension activities for Year 5

Hello everyone, thank you for all your hard work this week, parents/carers and children of course. It's been amazing as usual. Here are some extension activities, please don't feel you have to do them but if you want to they are there. The link below takes you to the packs, I have downloaded and attached one but there are more for all year groups if needed.

Have a wonderful half term. Relax. Have fun. Take care. Miss Glenn. 


Coban's Adventure Story

Thank you Coban for this fantastic story. I love your range of vocabulary and the variety of sentence structures you have used. You have used a variety of ways to start your sentences and there is lots of exciting action. An action packed adventure. Well done. 

Extra activities Year 6

I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather at the moment.

If you have had the chance to watch the videos in the parent section about returning to school I hope that you are feeling happier about what to expect on Monday 8th June.

Here are some activities that you can do next week if you choose to.

Follow this link to look at some resources about the next science theme 'World environment day' 
