School Blog

Jacob's Fantastic Learning

Jacob has been working really hard with his home learning. He has been practising his spellings, his handwriting and has done some brilliant writing about Woody meeting Buzz Lightyear making sure he used adjectives and had all his capital  letters and full stops. He has also done a reading comprehension about marbles and created his own marble run out of lego. Keep up the super work Jacob! 

Isaac and Maisie's kind gesture

I am very proud of Isaac and Maisie. During half term they made home made pizzas which look delicious. They designed logos for the pizza boxes, created menus and even wrote up their top secret recipe. They then sold the pizzas to their family to raise money for their local food bank. What a brilliant idea and well done for raising £60.

I am sure that this will have helped many vulnerable people. 

Well done for being so thoughtful and generous :)

Miss Harvey

Kai's spy gadgets

Well done Kai I love your gadget designs. I think that you could easily be snapped up by MI5 to make their future desgns. I especially love your anti-gravity boots I would love to have a go at wearing these.

Great work Kai :)

Sophie and Brooke's Time Travel Objects!

 Sophie and Brooke have designed some amazing Time Travel objects this week!  The "Candy Cane" and the "Enchanted Earrings"!  I love the way they have both used alliteration for the names of the objects too!  They have followed the instructions on this week's Home Learning grid to design an object that might appear in our class Time Travel adventure!  Brilliant work girls - your ideas are so creative and imaginative!  Mrs Blomeley

Lottie's Amazing Work

Lottie has been busy with her home learning so far this week. She has done lots of work on money and has even done some coin rubbings to help her to remember what the different coins look like. She has also been practising her spellings and her timestables. Keep up the brilliant work Lottie!

Mia's Magnificent Learning

Mia has been working hard with her home learning so far this week! She has done a reading comprehension all about toys and has done lots of Maths work on money. She has also enjoyed talking about her favourite toys with her family and was surprised that her Mummy had Barbie dolls when she was little too. Mia has learnt to play Uno during lockdown and has also been given the game Frustration by her neighbour which is a game Mia's Mummy used to play when she was little. Keep up the super work Mia!

Tolletts on tour

Well done to Riley and Reuben for taking part in the Tour of Tameside challenge. 

I am really pleased that you are pushing yourselves to get better and better each time.

Fantastic effort boys. Keep it up :)

Miss Harvey

Jessica's birthday generosity

Well done to Jessica- leading up to her 11th birthday she organised a food collection for a local food bank and she made glitter calming bottles which she sold for donations for Tameside Hospital childrens ward. I am very proud of you- a super cause! And happy birthday :)

Well done for keeping up with so much home learning too- you are working so hard and it will really benefit you when you go to high school.

I am sorry that the pictures won't turn the right way up. I have tried everything.

Take care and well done again :)
