School Blog

Xander's Tour of Tameside 2020

Xander has completed the 7 mile challenge as part of the Tour of Tameside 2020. He has tied this in with his own challenge that he is doing for Dukinfield Youth Football Club. Xander and his team are doing a dribble a thon where as a team they have to dribble over 1000 miles in 30 days whilst raising money for the NHS and Grassroots Football. So far they have raised over £2000 and Xander is currently in the lead having dribbled over 50 miles so far! Fantastic achievement Xander! Keep going! 

Mia's Tour of Tameside 2020

Mia has completed the 7 mile challenge as part of the Tour of Tameside 2020. She went beyond the 7 miles needed and walked 9.5 miles in total over 3 walks. Her longest walk was 4.5 miles where she showed great determination not moaning once even when they got lost! Fantastic work Mia, well done!

Lottie's Fundraising

Lottie has been a superstar fundraiser for her old nursery.  She has raised £610 from her sponsored bike/scooter ride!  I am loving all your fancy dress outfits, I wish they would fit me!  Fantastic news Lottie, what a star you are!

Mrs Kleban

Eva's Fantastic Work




This week, in Year 2, we are reading Somebody Swallowed Stanley a story by Sarah Roberts. Eva read the story and put the events in order. Great work!


Green Fingered Lottie

Lottie has been growing blackcurrents, strawberries, a sunflower and some daisies!  Wow Lottie, you are giving Charlie Dimmock a run for her money.  I could do with a gardener like you at my house!  Fantastic!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban


Happy 9th Birthday!

Guess whose birthday it was yesterday?  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and one for Good Luck!  Hen, Goose or Feather!  What do you think he would choose?  I think Feather!!   HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY!  We hope you had a wonderful day!    From Mrs Blomeley and all of Year 4.

Jacob's Amazing Learning

Jacob has had a busy morning with his home learning. He has been on Education City, done lots of work on money and completed a reading comprehension all about toys. Keep up the fantastic work Jacob!


Tameside have taken the decision to remain closed based on scientific advice and evidence. As soon as I know more information I shall contact families. Thank as always for your patience and understanding.Take care of each other. 

Lottie's Tour of Tameside 2020

Lottie has completed the Tour of Tameside 2020 7 mile challenge! What a fantastic achievement! I bet you were tired after all that walking Lottie. Well done! 


Can anyone else complete the 7 mile challenge?

Lottie's Lovely Learning

Lottie has had another busy week with her home learning. She has written a fantastic version of Handa's Surprise using lots of brilliant adjectives and she has called it Lottie's Surprise. She has also been practising her roatations skills and times tables in Maths, found out about lots of different types of exercise and has been working really hard on her spellings and phonics. She decorated lots of pebbles to cheer people up and hid them in Cheetham's Park. I wonder if you can find any of them? Lottie found someone else's hidden rock which made her smile.
