School Blog

Coban's Anglo-Saxon work

Wow Coban, what a lot of information, these Anglo Saxon's sound like a fearsome bunch, they did enjoy their food and fighting. It was very interesting to read all your facts. Thank you for completing this super work. Miss Glenn. 

Aubrey's Super Forest School Work

Aubrey has been working hard on the forest school work that Mrs Anson sent out. He has learnt how to whittle wood. You will have to teach me when we are back at school Aubrey! Keep up the excellent learning!

Mia's Marvellous Work

Mia has been trying really hard with her home learning over the last few days. She has done an amazing job with her comprehension work on marbles and has been playing her own marbles run game at home which she has built in different ways, She has also kept a food diary to show the things that she has been eating throughout the day and has practised her spellings through doing a wordsearch and some handwriting. Keep up the brilliant work Mia! 

Logan's Super Learning

Logan has been really busy with his home learning. He has enjoyed learning about coins and notes to help him to recognise money values and has been trying really hard with his phonics. He has also drawn an amazing pop up shark picture which I love! Keep up the fantastic work Logan! 

Niamh's Kennings and Maths.

Well done Niamh, a wonderful kennings, I can see elements of my granddad in that poem, particulary the part about the biscuit eater. Hmmmmmm must be a granddad thing. Granddads are great. What a lot of maths you've done and tricky one's too and another kennings, you've got a real talent for this poetry, I love the line cat-escaper, it helps with using hypehns too which are needed in our writing ready for Year 6. Well done on all your hard work. 

Lily's fabulous home learning

Great work Lily. You have achieved a lot this week. A very cute newt, a wonderful Anglo-Saxon sword and shield, a lovely kennings poem and amazing handwriting. I love the detail on your sword and the kennings poem is very clever. My guess is a dog! Your handwriting is so neat, well done for working so hard on all of this. Miss Glenn. 

Lottie's Fantastic Learning

Lottie has been busy again with her home learning. She has been working hard on her number bonds to 10 and her spellings. She has enjoyed learning about money and has sorted the coins in different ways and watched some videos to find out how coins and notes are made. Lottie joined in with her sister's PE work and has done some fantastic writing about her favoruite toys. She is also going to Skype her grandparents to find out about their favourite toys when they were little. Keep up the brilliant work Lottie!

Cerys' 7 mile challenge

Well done on acheiving your 7 mile challenge. An hour of walking each day is fantastic. Some great places to walk, I'll have to try them they look lovely. The Torrs, Ashton canal the local parks are great ideas. It is so good to get out for our bodies and minds. I certainly always feel better after a walk. Well done for staying so motivated. You should be proud of yourself. 
