School Blog

Oliver’s Awesome Home Learning


Oliver really enjoyed last week’s home learning and he completed lots of different activities. He conducted a science experiment looking at water pollution; he made a poster encouraging people to recycle plastic bags, he did an experiment to better understand salt in the sea water and made a jellyfish from a plastic bottle.  Wow! What a busy week you had Oliver!


Reception Home Learning - 15th June

Here is this week's home learning.

I loved seeing all your super houses and writing last week.  They were wolf proof for sure!

Keep emailing in all your photos, I love seeing them!

Stay safe

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban


Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 15th June

Below you will find this week's Home Learning grid.  We will discuss some of these activities in our Zoom lessons during the week.  II am VERY excited about Zoom and looking forward to seeing you all!  You will find more sheets and resources to help with your learning below.  Maths homework has been set on MyMaths and extra books have been added to your Bug Club library.   

Year 6 home learning- 15th June

Well done to all of the children that started to complete their home learning tasks again last week. I know that it is getting difficult to keep motivated so well done if you’ve managed to complete at least one activity per day.

I am pleased to see some of you taking part of the Tour of Tameside too! Well done.

Keep sending in your nominations for the end of year- I can’t wait to see who gets voted for what :)

Here are your home learning tasks for this week- click on read more to get the attachments.

Mia's Fabulous Home Learning

Mia has been super busy with her home learning.  She has even had her own set of caterpillars!

I loved looking at all your pictures Mia and I cannot wait to see you when we are all back!

Miss you all

Mrs Kleban

Home Learning Grid 15th June

Our Seaside theme continues with next week’s activities. Please see attached our home learning grid and documents. Click read more to see these files.

Thank you to all the Year 2 children who joined our zoom meeting on Friday and are sharing their work with us through Seesaw or email. I am looking forward to seeing all Year 2 Zoomers again on Monday.

Miss Laitl


Home School Learning 15th June 2020

Our World War 2 theme continues, see attached for our home learning grid and attachments. Click read more to see these documents.

Thank to all the Year 3 children who have joined zoom and are sharing their work with us through Seesaw.

Try each week to complete as many activities as you can.

We continue to set:

*education city

* bug club



Keep Safe

Lily's RE work

Super RE work on how Christianity was introduces into Britain, it was very interesting to hear about the 3 super Saints and how they introduced Christianity in different ways. It's the ordinary people that change things in the end I see. Well done Lily, very interesting to read and I love your paragrpah's and fronted adverbials. Miss Glenn.   
