School Blog

Tilly's Travels!

Tilly had a fun time during the week's holiday, as you can see from her photographs!  She went on trips out and for walks and bike rides.  Here she is on Fleetwood Beach (near Blackpool) and the weather looks glorious!  On the days she was at home she was lucky enough to have this enormous paddling pool to play in with a delicious Mocktail to drink!  Tilly also mentioned that she had been to McDonalds for a treat and waited 40 minutes to be served but she said it was worth it!  Thank you for sharing these Tilly!  Mrs Blomeley 

Connor's Terrific Treasure Story!

Connor enjoyed the "Treasure" clip on this week's Home Learning grid!  He has written a great story about Esther, the lady in the video. Click on the link below to read it.  Thank you Connor and well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Maisie's Moments!

Maisie celebrated her birthday during half term!  Happy Belated Birthday!   Here she is with her favourite present - a beautiful soft and cuddly bunny rabbit called Bella!

Abel's Amazing Work

Abel has been busy with his home learning so far this week. He has done some amazing writing about Buzz Lightyear and Woody meeting for the first time. I am so impressed with your handwriting, vocabulary choice and your use of conjunctions, well done! He has also explained why IQ Puzzler Pro is his favourite toy using because. Abel has worked hard on his money skills and has also watched lots of videos and discussed equality and Black Lives Matter with his family. Keep up the brilliant work Abel! 

Sophie and Brooke's Time Travel Objects!

Sophie and Brooke have designed these amazing Time Travel objects!  They followed the instructions on this week's Home Learning grid to design an object to appear in our class Time Travel adventure and created the Curious Candy Cane and the Enhanted Earrings!  I'm really impressed that you both used alliteration for the names!  They are so creative and imaginative. I wonder what other incredible objects I will receive?  Mrs Blomeley

Ted's Terrific Learning

Ted has had a Maths and creative day today. He has been working hard on using money and identifying different coins; he has even done some coin rubbings to help him to remember the different coins. Ted has also made a marble run out of Lego and then designed and helped to make a marble maze out of wood.  Keep up the fantastic work Ted!
