School Blog

Henry's Skateboard Design

Henry has been busy designing his own skateboard deck as part of the Graystone Action Sports competition. I love both of your designs Henry; you have done a fantastic job! You will have to show me your skills on your skateboard too. 


Jacob's Tour of Tameside 2020

Jacob has completed the 7 mile challenge for the Tour of Tameside 2020! He also met Peter Rabbit and climbed a few trees along the way. Fantastic work Jacob, you will get your certificate soon!

Lottie's Half Term Holidays

Lottie has enjoyed a week off from her home learning this week. She has had lots of fun with her family in the sunshine. Lottie has been on a 4 mile bike ride where her Dad told her which way to go using left and right. She has also been on lots of walks but her favourite was to Etherow Country Park where she got to see lots of animals and followed a rainbow trail to a fairy den. She has completed just over 4 miles of her 7 mile challenge for The Tour of Tameside 2020; keep going Lottie, just 3 miles to go!

Niamh's Adventure Story

A very exciting adventure story Niamh, I really enjoyed reading it, you have put a lot of effort and imagination into it. I really loved your range of vocabulary and punctuation. You kept me gripped to the end. Thank you Niamh. Miss Glenn.   

Coban's Sydney Opera House

Brilliant work Coban, a fantastic picture of Sydney Opera house with some very interesting facts. A great likeness, although I've only seen it in pictures. It must be amazing to see a performance there. Miss Glenn.   

Oliver and Maisie's Tour of Tameside 2020

Oliver and Maisie have completed the 7 mile challenge for this years Tour of Tameside. They look like they have had lots of fun and have been to some beautiful places. Well done for completing the challenge both of you! You will get your certificates soon.

Can anyone else complete the Tour of Tameside 2020?

Reading competition winners

Thank you to all of the children who entered our reading competition.

We have all really enjoyed seeing your photographs of the strange and wonderful places that you have been reading at home.

Everybody who entered will be emailed a certificate for joining in.

Our winners are:

Reception- George

KS1- Logan

KS2- Freya

Well done to everybody again, Miss Harvey :) 

Extra Activities

Hello Nursery,

 I have added some links for other activities that you can complete at home. Stay safe and enjoy the lovely sunshine.

Mrs Tennant
