School Blog

Well done Sam!

I would just like to say a huge well done to Sam in year 2 who is in the next round of the 500 words competition.

I am super proud of you. Keep writing at home Sam! 

Nursery Home Learning week beginning 20th April 2020

Good morning Nursery,

I hope you are all keeping well and you enjoyed watching our special video message. This week we are sharing the story Jack and the Beanstalk, my favourite character from the story is Jack.

Please click on read more to access the activities.

I miss you all lots!

Mrs Tennant

Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 20th April

Please find attached this week's Home Learning grid and new activities.

Now that Easter is over, try to get back into your Home Learning routine and complete as many tasks as you can!   Please make sure you click on read more to access the grid and other documents.

Keep sending me examples of your work, or contact me if you have any questions, via

I do hope you are all keeping well.  Take care.

Mrs Blomeley



Year 6 home learning- 20th April

I hope you are all making the most of this lovely weather spending time in your gardens or enjoying a local walk with your family. Click on the links attached to continue with your home learning this week. Try to complete as many of the activities as you can- it is good to keep your mind active. Have a great week and keep sending me photographs of what you're doing at home. :)

Y5 Home Learning 20th April

Dear Year 5, I do hope that you're all keeping well and that you had a fun filled Easter. This week we're carrying on with our research on The Amazon rainforest- enjoy learning about the animals and landuse. Please click on the Read More section to access the activities. 

Y3 Home School Learning 20th April 2020

Home School Learning Grid for week beginning 20th April

We have chosen a new theme for learning which is based around Ancient Greeks. 

Could you be a Groovy Greek? Remember to share this work with us by emailing the admin email address.

Please click on the read more section to access the work for this week.

Mymaths, bug club, education city and timestables rockstars all have lots of home school learning for children to access.


Keep safe and look after your families.

Mrs Slate & Ms McCoy

Home School Learning -Volcanoes

We have already had home learning work being sent in by Abigail and by Lucy, thank you to both their families for sending us photos of their work and sending the photos into school for us to see.

Researching and making volcanoes, look carefully at the photos to see the time and effort children have put into their work.

We are impressed.

Keep safe.

Mrs Slate and Ms McCoy

Year 4 - Friday's Home Learning !

As you can see, Scarlett is keeping busy again making Lego models in her garden.     Harley started his day off with his little brother, doing fancy dress PE with Joe!

  Thank you Scarlett and Harley.  Mrs Blomeley

Special Video Message.

Please watch our special video message to you all.

Thank you to Miss Spalding for her effort and time. The music is from an ex-pupil and it is beautiful.

Stay safe and we hope to see you all soon. 

How much is it?


Isabelle has been very busy practising counting and sorting money as well as making different amounts. Super work Isabelle!

