School Blog

Lottie's Marvellous Home Learning

Wow Lottie you have been busy!

Lottie has made some plasticine caterpillars using repeating patterns - I love them!

She has been out hunting for tadpoles and has been on an alphabet scavenger hunt round the house.

You are doing some amazing home learning Lottie!  Fantastic!

Missing you all lots

Mrs Kleban

Saint George's Day - Fun Activities

Did you know that Thursday 23rd April is Saint George's Day?  I have attached a variety of activities (click "read more" below) including a powerpoint all about Saint George together with colouring pages, a Word Search, a Quiz, a Board Game,  Maths Challenges, design a Dragon, how to make a split pin Knight and more!  There really is something for everyone!  Have fun and don't forget to send me photographs of your wonderful creations!  Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Baking Fun!

Kai and Connor made brownies and scones yesterday!  They look delicious!  We wonder if they ate them all after tea?!     Mrs Blomeley and Miss Harvey
