School Blog

Times Table Rock Stars Rematch Battle! Year 4 v Year 5

What a great re-match tonight between Year 4 and Year 5!  It was very close!  Year 5 won again so well done to all of you.  It was a great effort from both teams but there were some fantastic individual scores too!  Here are the team members who worked extremely hard.  Certificates for the top 3 most valuable playersfrom each team received their certificates by email tonight.  Fantastic work!

Team Year 4:   Oliver (1st)  Scarlett (2nd)  Harrison (3rd)    Laura, Maisie, Darcy, Tilly, Jessica, Ellie, Cameron, Annabelle, Albert, Joshua and Niamh.

Year 5 Home Learning 27th April

Dear Year 5,

I'm really impressed by all your hard work. This week we are carrying on with the Amazon theme but relating it to deforestation and trying to protect the forests. I hope you enjoy your new projects. Don't forget to click on the Read More setion to access the work and send your work to  Kind regards Ms McCoy

Y3 Home School Learning 27th April 2020

We have attached home school learning for week beginning 27th April. The theme is Ancient Greeks and we are hoping to see lots of Groovy Greek work shared with us so that we can add the work to our blog.

Thank you for all those children who are regulary completing their online homework.We will continue to update: Mymaths, education city and Bug club.

Remember to take care of each other and keep safe.

Mrs Slate & Ms McCoy


Ted's Tremendous Artwork

Ted has created this fantastic picture using warm and cold colours for effect. He has also been keeping active by going on country walks and has lost a tooth! I hope the tooth fairy visits you Ted! 

Maisie-Lou's Moments!

Maisie-Lou's mum has sent me these photographs which show how hard she has been working this week!  Maisie has been doing her online maths, Times Table Rock Stars and has completed the work from the Home Learning grid on apostrophes.  She has also been reading, designed a treasure chest, baked cookies and made edible slime, as well as going out for walks and keeping active!  I particularly like the toilet roll frogs and the hand print picture that they made as a family, to show how they are supporting each other during lockdown. Such a lovely idea.  Thank you !  Mrs Blomeley 


Henry's home school learning

Henry has been working hard these last few weeks. Take a look at some of his work including some fabulous art work.

He has also done some work on pollination including a poster; he even spotted a bee on a plant and managed to get a picture!

Well done Henry.

Scarlett's Seashore Science!

Well done Scarlett!  More brilliant Home Learning here.  Scarlett has used a classification key to identify different seashore animals and it is very neatly presented too!  She has also completed the Compare Reading Gem challenge for the next chapter of Diver's Daughter!   I am very impressed Scarlett!  Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Harry's Marvellous Home Learning

Harry has been super busy with his home learning.  He has been investigating 2D shapes and has done some fantastic repeating pattern caterpillars!


I miss you lots Harry, keep up all your hard work!

Mrs Kleban
