School Blog

Mia's Marvellous Learning

Mia has been very busy with her home learning last week. She has practised her catching skills with her brother and sisters, made a yummy smoothie for St George;s Day , kept a weather diary, used her knowledge of hot and cold colours to design a picture of her hand and practised her Maths and Literacy skills. Fantasic work Mia, keep it up!

George's Fabulous Home Learning

George has been super busy with all his marvellous home learning.  I love your fantastic caterpillars and I am super impressed with your marvellous maths!

Keep up all your hard work George, I am so proud of you and miss you all lots!

Mrs Kleban

Laura's 2.6 Jumping Challenge!

Laura has been working on Miss Mainprizes's Challenge.  Yesterday, she jumed 37 times over a rope in 26 seconds.  Wow!  That's less than 1 jump per second! Great work Laura! Mrs Blomeley

Bradley's Super Science!

Bradley has been enjoying his Science activities this week, where he had to sort the different animal types from their descriptions.  Well done Bradley!  You have been busy!  Mrs Blomeley

Sophie the Time Traveller!

Sophie had a very busy morning yesterday, where she travelled back to 1939 to the Second World War. She found herself living in the countryside, looking after an evacuee from the city. Once back in the present day Sophie made a lovely pyramid!  Well done Sophie - I am impressed that you have included some facts about WWII that you learnt in Year 3!  Mrs Blomeley

Henry's challenge!

An update on Henry's 2.6 challenge! 

He is currently on Day 5 out of 10, each day running 2.6 miles in aid of Willow Wood so at the end he will have completed a marathon!  We are so proud to be able to say that so far he has raised £600!  

The reporter also ran this lovely piece on his fundraising, here in the link:


Xander's Home School Learning

Xander and his family have made salt dough and made family handprints, what a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing this with us Xander.Can you work out who the tiny print belongs to?

Xander has been very busy, we can see he has done lots of maths, writing and presented his work in  a volcano shape- this looks great, it is wonderful to see Xander taking care and presenting his work neatly.

Theo's Terrific Work


What a great start to this week’s home learning. Theo has already learnt some facts about our amazing NHS and created a fact file.  I love how colourful it is. He has also been reading a book about Florence Nightingale. Keep up the good work Theo!


Brooke meets Cleopatra!

Brooke''s mum has reported that Brooke has had a very busy morning!  She travelled back a staggering 5000 years and found herself in the middle of the desert in ancient Egypt! She even got to take a look inside a pyramid! Once back in 2020, Brooke made a pyramid to replicate the one she had seen whilst time travelling.   Super writing Brooke!  I am impressed that you have learnt so much about Ancient Egypt already! Mrs Blomeley

Time Traveller Laura!

As soon as Laura saw the Home Learning grid writing task she was off!  A magic key transported her back in time to Egypt where she "could  feel the sand under her fingers..."  Great writing Laura!  Mrs Blomeley
