School Blog

Abel's Brilliant Computer Skills

Abel has used the internet to find pictures of hot and cold places around the world. He has used his computer skills to insert them into a word document and remembered to save it. Fantastic work Abel! 

Aubrey's Amazing Poster

Aubrey has created this poster to help find the missing penguin in our class text, 'Lost and Found'. Well done for including a title, picture and reward in your poster! 

Harley's Home Learning!

Harley has been busy writing his exciting Time Travel story, where he found a time travelling machine and went back in time!  He has also been woring hard on his Maths work!  Well done Harley - I am impressed!  Mrs Blomeley

Connor and Kai's Baking Fun!

 Connor and Kai have made a lemon drizzle cake this afternoon after their home learning this morning!  It looks delicious!  Well done boys, although you keep making us hungry! Mrs Blomeley and Miss Harvey

Maisie's Marvelous Poster


Maisie created a fantastic poster about our amazing NHS.  Maisie also researched Florence Nightingale and created a fact file about the life of this famous nurse. Super work Maisie!




Annabelle's Amazing Home Learning!

I have received some great photographs of Annabelle today!  They show how busy she has been, learning about the Ancient Egyptians and making her very own pyramid!  Annabelle has also been busy with White Rose Maths, writing her story about time travelling and completing the Grammar and Punctuation tasks.  Just as importantly, Annabelle has been keeping active with her dog walks in the afternoon, then helping to prepare tea!  Her mum told me that Annabelle is becoming a keen little chef!  Thank you for sharing this Annabelle and well done!  Mrs Blomeley

Olivia's Angel Falls

Well done Olivia for her creation of Angel Falls. I'm impressed by the use of different materials that you've used to create this collage. Well done!
