School Blog

Ellie's Excellent Expedition!

Ellie's Time Travel story takes her back to Roman times, when she visits Hadrian's Wall.  I love the twist at the end Ellie! Great writing and thank you for sharing your story with us.  Mrs Blomeley

Welcome to Miss Glenn!

Good Morning All.

I would like to welcome Miss Glenn to Broadbent Fold. She will be doing the home learning for year 5 pupils.

Please send in all your pictures and work and she will be excited to meet you all. 

Nursery Home Learning week beginning 4th May 2020

Good morning Nursery,

I hope you are all keeping well and safe. This week we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, so I have added some activities that you might like to do at home. Please click on read more to access our home learning.

Missing you all lots!

Mrs Tennant

Year 5 Home Learning 4th May

Hi all, it's Miss Glenn. I hope you are all well and keeping safe. I will be doing your Home Learning now and am looking forward to seeing all your fantastic work you will produce. Let me know what you are all upto by emailing I have attached your home learning activities fro this week and attachments. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Miss Glenn. 

Year 6 home learning- 4th May

How fast are the weeks flying Year 6- I cannot believe that we are already in May. I am really missing seeing you all. I hope you are still completing your home learning- try and do at least one activity each day to keep up with all the hard work you've put in this year. Send me your work to

Click on the read more button to access this weeks tasks. I am looking forward to seeing how you get on. :)

VE Day Art Challenge


This week, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  As a part of the celebration complete our VE Day Art Challenge. To find out more click on read more.


Home Learing Grid 4.05.2020


Please find attached this week’s Home Learning Grid and new activities for you to complete. Click on read more to access the grid and other documents.

 We will continue to set: my maths, education city and bug club. Keep trying to complete them.

 Thank you for sharing your home school learning with us.

Miss Laitl and Mrs Neary

Year 3 Home School Learning 4th May 2020

Our Ancient Greeks theme will continue, thank you for sharing home school learning with us. Click on 'read more' to see this week's home learning grid.

We will continue to set: mymaths, education city, times tables rock stars and bug club. Keep trying to complete them.

Hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Ms McCoy & Mrs Slate
