School Blog

Ted's Brilliant Learning

Ted has been working hard this morning. He has been reading on Bug Club, practising his timestables on TT Rockstars, measuring length and height, learning about the aw sound and working on his number skills. Keep up the super work Ted!

Lottie's Super Learning

Lottie has been very busy last week with her home learning. She used Charanga to practise her music skills and was able to find the pulse of the music and had a go matching sounds on her keyboard. She has been very active this week and has done zumba, the Year 1 2.6 challenge and played a fitness game that her big sister made as her PE project. She has also learnt about the features of hot and cold places, found a half of objects and shapes, practised her reading, made a fantastic missing poster for the lost penguin and practised her 5 times tables.

Home Learning - 4th May 2020

The caterpillars have had their busiest week yet!  They have really changed! They all crawled up to the top of their jar and started hanging upside down.  They stayed like that for a day and then they started wriggling. Next they changed from wriggly caterpillars into a chrysalides!  I have put them into a special net ready for what is about to happen... 

Your home learning is attached below.  Please keep emailing in all your fabulous work.  I love seeing it all.

Stay safe

Mrs Kleban

Mia's Magnificent Learning

Mia has been busy with her home learning last week. She has completed the cross the river challenge and did a family fitness class ran by Astley Sports Village where they had to use a toilet roll or some of the exercises! She has also worked hard finding half of different 2D shapes, created a polar bear from newspaper, learnt about hot and cold places and created a missing poster for the lost penguin. She even managed to talk to Phoebe over the fence of her garden whilst on her Daddy's shoulders. Fantastic work Mia, keep it up! 

Year 1 Online Learning Week Beginning 4th May

Whilst you are in lockdown, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact admin@broadbent

Scarlett's Super Reading!

Scarlett continues to be a Super Star Reader at home! She has read last week's chapters of Diver's Daughter and is waiting to read the next one from this week's Home Learning grid.  She's also completed all of last week's White Rose Maths work! Well done Scarlett!  Mrs Blomeley

Happy 9th Birthday!

Guess whose birthday it was yesterday?  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and one for Good Luck!  Hen, Goose or Feather!  What do you think she would choose?  I think Feather!!   HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY!  We hope you had a wonderful day!    From Mrs Blomeley and all of Year 4.
