School Blog

Birthday Celebrations

For all of the children out there celebrating a lockdown birthday- from all at Broadbent Fold, we wish you a very special birthday and hope it's full of surprises and celebrations.  

Jacob's home learning

Great work from Jacob this week- I love your Disney pictures they are amazing. Super writing too- as always. I am glad you are enjoying doing some activities at home. 

Heidi's Story

After watching a film, Heidi decided to write her own story. Can you guess which film she watched?

Cick on read  more to see and download it. 

Who else can write a story?

Maisie's rhubarb crumble


Maisie weighed all the ingredients, mixed them well and baked a yummy rhubarb crumble. I have to say it looks delicious! Maybe you could share your recipe with us?


Georgie's Sunflowers

Good afternoon Georgie,

What a great idea! Sunflowers are my favourite, you will have to keep sending me pictures. I am growing beetroot and pansys, fingers crossed they grow too!

Missing you all lots!

Mrs Tennant

Daniel's home learning

Daniel is keeping healthy by boxing at home!

He is enjoying his home learning especially blowing up his volcano. We are delighted by the amount of effort he has put into his work.

Year 3 are learning so much about volcanoes.

Challenge: Can you find where in the world volcanoes are?

Logan's Fabulous Home Learning

Logan has been incredibly busy with his home learning.  He even has his own set of caterpillars.  I love the lifecycle work and your super butterfly picture.

You look very grown up with your missing tooth.  I hope you got a visit from the Tooth Fairy!

Keep up all your hard work!

I am missing you all lots!

Mrs Kleban
