School Blog

Harry's home learning

Well done to Harry for helping his mum (who works in a school) to prepare activities to do with their keyworker children this week. I think you need to come and work part time for us to prepare activities too. Well done for being so helpful to others :)


Ted's Terrific Home Learning

Ted has completed lots of this weeks home learning tasks already. He has been working hard on his fractions finding a half of different objects and shapes, completed a comprehension on penguins, made a missing poster for the lost penguin and completed a SPaG mat. Well done Ted, keep up all your hard work! 

Fabulous Year 5

Look at the amazing work created by Y5, I'm highly impressed by their deforestation facts and persuasive letters. I'm so proud that they're embracing home learning and are obviously loving the Amazon topic. Keep sending in your work Y5. 

Lucea's Minecraft Adventure!

Another great time travel story where Lucea goes through a portal when she's playing on Minecraft!  I like your description of Cleopatra Lucea and I hope she helped you to get back to 2020!  Well done! Mrs Blomeley

Austin's Super Home Learning

Austin has done some fantastic home learning.  I love your super double work and your caterpillar life cycle is wonderful.

Keep up all your hard work!

I miss you all lots!

Mrs Kleban

Aubrey's Amazing Learning

Aubrey has completed the Year 1 2.6 challenge managing 48 jumps over a rope in 26 seconds and has used his body to make the numbers 2 and 6. You must have been tired after all that hard work Aubrey! He has also been completing his work on penguins. Keep up the fabulous work Aubrey! 

Ted's Brilliant Work

Ted was very busy with his home learning yesterday! He has made a polar bear picture using newspaper, wrote a fantastic rhyming poem about the snow, practised his phonics and made a carnivorous garden with his sister. Keep up the super work Ted! 

Jacob's Fantastic Poster

Jacob has designed this missing poster for the penguin in our class text 'Lost and Found'. I love how he has included a title, picture and reward on his poster! I am sure the boy will be able to find the penguin with the help of Jacob's poster! Well done Jacob, keep up all your hard work! 

Scarlett's Time Travelling Watch!

Scarlett's story tells how her watch helps her to go back in time to Ancient Egypt!  I am impressed that she has already discovered some facts about Ancient Egypt, which she's included in her story.  Brilliant work Scarlett. I wonder where will the watch take you next time?   Mrs Blomeley
