School Blog

Bradley's Brilliant Idea!

Bradley thought of a great idea to use up his last Easter Egg!  He enjoyed making these delicious Chocolate Strawberries!  I hope he shared them with his family!   Bradley has also just put his finishing touches to the Tudor House that he made.  It looks fantastic!  Well done Bradley.  Mrs Blomeley

Albert's Activities!

Albert has been busy again at home!  He has completed a full week's sheets of White Rose Maths, been on Times Table Rock Stars and done some fantastic Comprehension and Science work.  He's also written a lovely letter to his Grandparents.  Albert has been keeping very active doing daily PE with Joe Wickes and helping his daddy to do big projects in their garden.  This is as well as doing other fun things together such as cooking, walks/ runs and family bingo!  Great work Albert and well done!  I am exhausted just reading all of ths!  Mrs Blomeley

Matilda's Moments!

I have received these lovely photographs from Matilda's mummy today which show just how busy Matilda has been!  She has had a go on the sewing machine to make mini bunting for the playhouse, she has made her Mummy a birthday cake and flapjacks and has also enjoyed  doing some water colour painting in the garden.  This is as well as reading lots of books and doing Times Table Rock Stars!   Well done Matilda and thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Matilda's Amazing Home Learning


Matilda has been very busy practising Maths, English, learning about nature as well as doing some cooking. She also composed a song with her sister where she sang and played the guitar. I can’t wait to hear it!  


Home Learning - 27th April 2020

The caterpillars have really grown this week.  They have got spikes now and do not stop eating!  They are so hungry!  They are very wriggly now too.

The home learning is attached below.  Please click read more to access.

Hope you are all safe and well.

Mrs Kleban

Nursery Home Learning week beginning 27th April 2020

Good morning Nursery,

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe, the sun has been shining for us again. I have attached some new home learning activities and the phase 2 sound mat. Please click on read more to access the activities.

Missing you all lots.

Mrs Tennant

Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 27th April

Please find attached this week's Home Learning grid and new activities for you to complete.

This week we will start our new topic - Time Travel - which begins with us going back in time to learn about Ancient Egypt.    Please make sure you click on read more to access the grid and other documents.

Keep sending me examples of your work, or contact me if you have any questions, via

Year 6 home learning- 27th April

I hope you are all well and keeping busy at home. Well done to all of the pupils who have been cooking and baking at home- this is a perfect opportunity to practise important life skills. Please keep sharing your time at home with me using this email: I have attached some more home learning activities for this week. Click on the read more button to access the attachments. I am looking forward to hearing from you this week. 

Year 2 Home Learning Grid 27th April 2020


We have attached home school learning grid for week beginning 27th April that will give you ideas for activities to complete at home.Please click on the read more section to access the work for this week. Remember to share your work with us by emailing the admin email address.

