School Blog

Y5 Fantastic work

I am so very proud of Oliver and Lily who has worked super hard to produce work on The Amazon rainforest and Angel Falls. Look at the intricate detail that Lily has used to create Angel falls from Hama beads- absolutely brilliant. Click on the read more section to read Oliver's awesome research. Well done both of you I'm highly impressed. 

Connor and Kai Growing Rainbows!

Connor and Kai have been growing their own rainbows this afternoon using instructions from one of the scientific suggestions on our Home Learning grids!  They will look fantastic in their window!  Well done boys!   Mrs Blomeley and Miss Harvey

Abel's Amazing Work

Abel has been doing some amazing home learning this week! He went on a walk and used the Woodland Trust Tree ID app to identify different types of leaves. He has written letters to his Grandparents and friends from school, written a fantastic poem about snow and dome some amazing artwork. He has also decorated his house with St George's Day flags and found out why we celebrate St George's Day. Keep up the brilliant work Abel!

Isla's Incredible Learning

Isla has been doing some fantastic home learning this week. She has been working hard on her timestables and division by making equal groups. Isla has baked some gingerbread bunnies and even helped to weigh out the ingredients. They look yummy Isla! She has also made her own timetable for this week and grown her own rainbow using felt tips, water and kitchen roll. Keep up the brilliant work Isla! 

Kyle's Fabulous Home Learning

Kyle has been doing some wonderful learning at home.  I love that super neat giraffe painting!

I wish I could have a go on that water slide, it looks fun!

Keep up all your hard work!

We are missing you lots!

Mrs Kleban

