School Blog

Sophia's Fabulous Home Learning

Wow Sophia you have been super busy!

I love your Joe Wicks Fancy Dress Friday photograph.  You will be super fit with all your walking, bike riding and Joe Wicks!

You have been very busy doing lots of work.  Your handwriting is looking fabulous!

I am so pleased you are doing well with your spellings.

I am super impressed with all the maths you have been doing. You will be a magical mathematician by the time we return!

Hope you are all safe and well.

Miss you all lots

Mrs Kleban,

Elissa's home learning

Elissa you have been so busy at home. I love your Daily Prophet- I think you should set up a student newsaper when we return- you are definitely the right person for the job. Great work on your spellings too- I hope you have still been getting 10/10 in your tests at home. I am not surprised to hear you have been reading the Harry Potter books again. Have you had a look at the new website that JK Rowling has put on: 

Leeson's home learning

Leeson it is lovely to hear about all of the things that you have been doing at home recently. Well done for keeping up with not only practising your spellings but a weekley spelling test too :) Keep sending me examples of work to look at. Stay safe. 

Year 1 Online Learning Week Beginning 27th April

If you are self isolating, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact admin@broadbent

Alex's home learning

Alex well done for continuing to work so hard at home. I love your alternative ending to the 'Wings' story- great use of vocabulary. It's great to see you working on your word processing skills at home. Fantastic work on reading comprehesnion and spag skills too. keep up all of your effort Alex :)

Jessica's home learning

Jessica well done for all of your hard work over the last few weeks. I am so impressed with how much you have been completing. This week is no different- as well as daily Joe Wicks work outs and some online work you have completed loads of your home learning activities too. Keep up all of your hard work and effort :) 
