School Blog

Laura's Fantastic Result!

Here is Laura working extremely hard in today's Year 4 TTRS Battle.  Not only did the girls win, Laura managed to gain the certificate for 3rd Most Valuable Player!  I am truly impressed by your determination Laura and I know Mrs Gethng is too! What a Star!   Mrs Blomeley

Oliver's Virtual Postcard

Wow Oliver, a great postcard, I can imagine being there now. I'm not sure I'd make it up and down in 5 hours though, it is very high! I can't wait to visit Ben Nevis for real when it is allowed. You have made it sound really interesting and exciting with your description. Well done. 

Reuben's been so busy with all this fantastice learning.

Hi Reuben, I can see you have been working really hard. Watching documentaries is a great way to learn about the world and the important things that are going on like deforestation and making notes will really halp you remember those facts, well done. Great to here you have been actively doing your maths work, this is really important, you're doing a great job. Lovely to see the VE Day pack and Covoid19 time capsuel, it's really important for the future to remember and pass on the events in history.

Evie's Fantastic Work


Evie has been very busy this morning. She designed a logo for a real life hero and she used Venn diagram to compare superheroes and real life heroes. Well done Evie!


Finlay's time at home

Wow Finlay you have been so busy at home. I am so impressed with how much you have done and how creative you and your family have been. 

What a list of activities- planting, making bird feeders, cooking, baking, model making- I love your salt dough 'dad'!

Great work on your time capsule- you have just created a piece of history! I love your idea of making a Covid-bot to record the number of deaths. 

Riley's been busy!!

Well done Riley you have completed so much work in the last few weeks at home. I love your time capsule- it will be so interesting to look back at this in the future :) 

I'm glad you're spending time doing some daily exercise too and getting outdoors.

Take care, I'm missing seeing you at school :)

Cameron's VE Day Preparations!

Cameron has been busy preparing for his VE Day Party on Friday!  He has designed a special medal and coloured in bunting to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day!  Well done Cameron! I hope you and your family have an amazing party!  Mrs Blomeley

Connor's Super Science!

Connor enjoyed sorting all the images and statements into the correct groups of invertebrates:  mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish.  Well done Connor! Mrs Blomeley
