School Blog

Home Learning Attachments 11th May

Home Learning Attachments for 11th May. Please look through, everything mentioned on the Home Learning sheet can be found here. Don't forget to click on read more to find your home learning and attachments. Thank you. Miss Glenn. 

Bradley's Favourite Frog!

Bradley enjoyed watching the "Frog Friday" video link with Manchester Museum last week.  He has done a great factfile about the Red Eyed Tree Frog and drawn a fantastic picture too!  Well done Bradley!  This week the task is to see if you can identify birds by their sounds!   Listen out for the song of the blackbird that sometimes visits our playground!  Mrs Blomeley 

Year 5 Home Learning 11th May

Hi everybody, thank you for all the fantastic work you have been doing and for sharing all the wonderful things you've been up to. I have really enjoyed seeing everything. Here is your home learning for this week, I can't wait to see all the wonderful work you do or anything else you would like to share. Don't forget to click on the link below the image to open and not the image itself. If you need to ask any questions email You will find the attachements you need next to the home learning.

Year 3 11th May Home School Learning Grids

Year 3 we hope that you are continuing to keep safe and look after your families.

In the month of May our learning at home will focus on Ancient Greeks, click on read more below to see the Home Learning Grid. We are delighted to see children completing a range of learning at home, well done.

Try your best:

- Have a go at The  Ancient Greek themed work

- Read a book and answer questions on bug club

- Complete a mymaths game and an education city game

- Times tables rock stars

Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 11th May

I hope you all had a fantastic day last Friday, celebrating VE Day! Here is the Home Learning grid for this week.  Please click "read more" to access the grid and the other documents to help you with your activities.  Please continue to send me your work - it is a pleasure to see and I am very proud of you all for coping so well in these difficult times.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 6 home learning- 11th May

Hello Year 6!

This week you would have been sitting your SATs tests. It is ok if you feel relieved but I also understand if you feel a little upset or frustrated. You have all worked so hard this year and I am proud of all of your achievements :)

I read the poem below that a mum in County Durham called Gemma Peacock wrote which has gone viral and I thought of all of you! 

Press the read more button to access this week's home learning tasks. Please keep in touch with your photographs and send me any completed work this week. Take care. 

Year 2 Home Learning Grid 11.05.2020


Dear Year 2,

 We are very proud of all the work you are doing at home. Please keep it up. Here is the Learning Grid for the week beginning 11th May that will provide you with ideas for activities to compete at home.  Please click read more to access!

 Miss Laitl and Mrs Neary


VE Day Art Challenge


Thank you for complementing our VE Day Art Challenge and designing a poster to thank our heroes past and present.  I love your posters and I’m very impressed by your creativity!


Big WELL DONE to Evie in Year 2, Laura in Year 4, Sophie and Brooke in Year 4, Matthew in Year 1 and Freya Year 5, Tilly in Year 4 and Finlay in Year 6, Luca in Year 6, Chloe Year 6, Elissa and Leeson in Year 6.

