School Blog

Ancient Greeks by Sam G

Year 3 are becoming historians with their fabulous knowledge of The Ancient Greeks.

An impressive amount of effort and hard work by Sam G. He has learnt about the Greek alphabet and number system and wrote his name in Greek! He has wrote all about mythology with a focus on Zeus. Great home learning and thanks to Sam's mum for taking part in his Greek maths' test!! The beginning of geometry in displayed wonderfully in his posters.

Have a look at the photos of his work.

Niamh's Snowdon postcard.

It was really interesting to read your virtual postcard Niamh, I found out some interesting information from it: I did not know Edmund Hillary used it to train for everest, wow. I would love to see those beautiful wildflowers and the snow on the top. I think I'll get training for the three peaks challenge right away! Briiliant work Niamh. Miss Glenn. 

Coban's rivers and mountains work.

Be sure check out Coban's Rivers and mountains work. Well done Coban this was really interesting to read and well put together. I can see you have done lots of reserach, you're even ahead for this week on the river work. Super job Coban, keep it up. 

Reuben and the Frog!

Reuben's mum has sent me this fantastic photo of Reuben looking very happy to have a frog on his shoulder!  I don't think I woould be smiling!  Our science work recently has been about the different types of animals and frogs belong to the Amphibian group.   Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that don't have scales. They live part of their lives in water and part on land.    Mrs Blomeley

Laura's Story about The Present!

Laura has watched The Present clip from today's Home Learning grid and written a story about what she saw.  Well done Laura - I think you covered everything!  How did it make you feel when he said "get lost" to the puppy?  It made me feel very sad.   Laura's mum has also told me that Laura tried Miss Mainprize's Physical Challenge today.  She managed to do 12 taps of the tennis ball on a racket in 60 seconds!  Well done Laura!  (I could only do 2 !)   Mrs Blomeley


Year 6 home learning- 11th May White Rose resources

From this week White Rose are only posting the video tutorials on their link- to get the corresponding worksheets and answers please use the following attachments.If you are using content from a different year group look on the blog on our website for that year group to download the worksheets.Please contact me via the admin adress if you need ny further support.Miss Harvey 

Elissa's home learning

Art definately runs in the Bolton family... I am so impressed with Elissa's picture of Captain Jack Sparrow. I love your sun with happy words in- we have a lot in common Elissa!
