School Blog

Oliver S's writing

Great writing from Oliver. I like how you have used fronted adverbials in your setting description. Don't forget to check for missing capital letters in your instructions. What flavour jam would you choose- I love raspberry. I am so pleased that you are continuing with the maths factor each day too. Fab work :)

Have a read of Coban and Kasia's Deforestation work

Well done you two, wonderful work on deforestation which is such an important issue. You have lots of super information and you are right we really need to protect the earth for future generations. Check out the WWF website for more information on how you can help to do this. Fantastic. It was very interesting to learn all about Mary Seacole too. You have clearly worked hard on this. Fantastic.  

Reuben's been working hard.

You have been working really hard. It is super to hear you have been working hard on your maths. What a fantastic Nurses Day badge, Clara Barton is a very important person to remember as a lot of peopel rely on the red cross across the world. Wonderful work Reuben. 

Reuben's Scafell Pike postcard

Great work Reuben, 5 hours, that is a lot of walking. I can imagine how cold it is, good job you wrapped up warm. It sounds like you have packed well to keep safe on your trip. Sean sounds like an inspirational character. What a positive thing to do after what he went through. Anything is possible! Miss Glenn. 

Reuben is "Wheelie" Reading!

Reuben thinks this is a "wheelie" unusual place to read his favourite book - "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl.   I think so too Reuben! Brilliant!  Mrs Blomeley

Elissa's badge

A great badge design from Elissa to recognise International Nurses Day. Great research about Mary Todd Lincoln too! Another great inspirational woman. 

Super work Elissa!

Reuben's Bird Project!

Reuben is enjoying this week's science task about birds!  He has worked hard today writing about the different birds in his garden, and the fact the Woodpigeons are waking him up every morning!   He has also sent photographs of when a thrush nested in his  garden on a light, and a photo of himself with a Barn Owl when he was on holiday,  They both look very cute!  Finally, Reuben has used his fantastic drawing skills to create a picture of a woodpecker that he's seen at his caravan.  Super work Reuben.  Mrs Blomeley

Tilly's Butterflies and VE Day Celebrations!

Tilly has grown some butterflies at home over the last few weeks. She has watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, turn into Chrysalides and then hatch into butterflies. Her favourite part was releasing them and watching them fly away!  Tilly has also sent in photos of her VE Day celebrations - I love the way they have decorated the house and the food looks delicious!  Finally, she has caught her cat exploring the huge pool!  I hope he can swim!  Thank you for sharing these Tilly!  Mrs Blomeley

Maisie's Picture

Maisie followed the online guide to draw a health hero and drew a lovely picture of a nurse wearing PPE and looking ready to save lives. Well done!
