School Blog

Scarlett's Brilliant Home Learning!

Scarlett's been extremely busy with a variety of work this week!  She's written a Fact File about Robins and drawn a lovely picture too.  She has written a story about "The Present" video clip, done ALL of this week's White Rose Maths work and. finally, she has completed the Sumarise sheet, now that Diver's Daughter has come to an end. Well done Scarlett for being a fantastic Home Learner!  Mrs Blomeley

Thank you NHS

Children have been busy learning about well known inspiration people such as Florence Nightingale. Thoughtful pieces of work have been produced both written and typed and children have begun designing thank you badges. 

Work by Harriet and Xander

Jessica's home learning

Lovely work from Jessica last week- I love your VE Day celebrations. It sounds like you had a fun water fight too. Great fun! Well done for winning the Brownie's competition too with your home made bird feeder.

Great outdoor work Jessica- well don :)

Please remember to take any photographs in landscape as otherwise they are the wrong way round on the website. 

Ted's Brilliant Book

Ted has had the brilliant idea to write a book. Here are the first four pages of his story; I can't wait to see what happens next! Fantastic work Ted! 

Kacie's lovely picture and presentation.

This is super work Kacie, you have worked hard and you must have done a lot of research, I'm glad you enjoyed it. That is a wonderful picture, very realistic. It was very interesting to read about Russia having the most rivers and the Nile being the oldest river in the world. Great knowledge of river terms too. Fantastic. Miss Glenn. 

Ancient Greeks

Please click below to read information on Ancient Greeks by Kasia, a lot of research and hard work has gone into this home learning.

Well Done Kasia.

Ted's Fantastic Learning

Ted has worked hard on his fractions finding not only 1/4 and 1/2 of a number but also 3/4 of a number. He has also done a wordsearch and practised his handwriting whilst doing his spellings. Keep up the super work Ted!
