School Blog

Connor's 3 Times Table Quest!

Connor is having a maths times tables week! Today he has been reinforcing his 3 times tables as you can see.  His mum gave him a calculation and Connor matched the answer!  Connor sent a message to say hello to everyone and that he is missing all his friends!  I'm sure they miss you too Connor.  Keep up the great work. Mrs Blomeley  .

Bradley's Bird Blog!

Bradley has enjoyed writing about his favourite bird this week - the Parrot!  I've learnt from your report that there are 372 different kinds of parrots!  Wow!  A great picture too Bradley.  Fabulous work!  Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley

Molly's T-Shirt Tribute to the NHS!

Molly's mum told me that Molly has designed her own t-shirt to wear every Thursday night when she goes out to applaud the NHS and key workers! Here it is - I love it!  Molly, you are so creative and talented!  Well done and thank you for sharing it with us.   Mrs Blomeley

Riley's work

Riley has been busy on and on White Rose. Great maths work on dividing whole numbers and fractions.

I love your badge for Florence Nightingale- I hope you enjoyed finding out about her. What an inspiration!

I am pleased to hear that you have been writing postcards to elderly people to cheer them up in these strange times. Such a nice idea Riley.

Keep up the great work!

Sam's Home Learing



Sam read Vlad and the Florence Nightingale Adventure. He answered comprehension questions, drew a picture of a dirty hospital and described it. Great work Sam!


Logan's Brilliant Learning

Logan was very busy with his home learning last week. He has practised his spellings, done some work on fractions and made a fantastic pop up picture of a monster. Keep up the fantastic work Logan!

Super Scientist learning at home

We have had lots of sunny days and time to appreciate the flowers in our garden.Take a look at Sam's work. Thank you for sending your work into school for us to see.

Can you label parts of the plant?

Where can pollination take place?


Super Scientist learning at home

We have had lots of sunny days and time to appreciate the flowers in our garden.Take a look at Sam's work. Thank you for sending your work into school for us to see.

Can you label parts of the plant?

Where can pollination take place?

