School Blog

Kai's sweet peas

I am impressed Kai. Your sweet pea seeds are growing very well. I am useless at growing plants so I know who to come to for help.

Keep it up :)

Alexa's 'treat the trees better campaign'

A great message from Alexa about looking after our environment and protecting trees. I am so impressed with your persuasive skills in your YouTube video to raise awareness. Unfortunately I can't share videos on here but I really enjoyed watching how well-researched and enthusiastic you were. A future prime minister maybe :)

Scarlett's Science and Maths!

Scarlett has done an amazing Frog Fact File!  She has been watching the Frog Friday clip from Manchester Museum and chosen the Yellow-banded Poisonous Dart frog to research.  Very interesting Scarlett - I hope there are none of these in Dukinfield!  Scarlett has also been working hard on her White Rose Maths. Brilliant home learning - well done!  Mrs Blomeley
