School Blog

Isla's Incredible Research

Isla has done some fantastic research on our local history of Gorse Hall and Beatrix Potter. She even went to visit the Gorse Hall ruins with her family where she spotted lots of the landmarks. Fantastic work Isla! Keep up the hard work! 

Super Science

Well done Oliver for your super smashing science experiment. Your paracute and basket look sturdy and should have protected your egg. I do hope that there was no yoke spilled! 

Well done Niamh!

Well done Niamh for making your very own behaviour cards for home learning- I hope Scarlett or your mum or dad aren't getting the Time Out card too often! 

Year 4 Friday's Home Learning Creations!

Thank you Harley! You have been busy at home!  You have created some excellent work on Teeth and completed times table work, geography work on the United Kingdom and a portrait of King Henry VIII.  Fantastic!  Well done! 

Thank you Connor for sending in the MyMaths work that you completed at home yesterday! It is really important to do column addition and subtraction carefully and set it out neatly, in columns, exactly as you have done!  I am very impressed! 

Good luck Miss Lewis!

Today, our year 5 teacher Miss Lewis leaves to have her beautiful baby.

We all wish you lots of luck and happiness. We can't wait to see pictures. 

From all at Broadbent Fold! 

Lexi's Amazing Work

Look at how hard Lexi has been working at home. What a fantatsic message with the Stay Safe poster too. You should be very proud of yourself. 

Stay Active

Here is a skipping challenge for today. How many skips can you do in 60 seconds? Will you achieve a bronze, silver or gold medal? 
