School Blog

Year 4 Thursday's Home Learning Creations!

Thank you to Molly for sending in her fabulous work on The Mary Rose this morning! Her mum told me that Diver's Daughter has inspired her to find out more about this famous ship!  Molly's mum also told me that Molly is busy learning her times tables - she has got her 6's and is now working on her 7's!  Fantastic! Keep it up and that sticker chart will be full when we get back to school! 

Home School Learning

We are delighted to see Boyd learning at home, he has enjoyed learning about the different countries in the world. Boyd has also drawn his own times table square on his wall, fantastic home school learning, well done.

Year 4 Harrison's Home Learning!

I have received all of this work and a lovely message from Harrison!  Wow! He has been busy!  He told me that his mum and dad have made him a timetable and he's made bread, cookies, written out the recipes, done A LOT of Maths and drawn a fantastic picture of King Henry VIII.  Well done Harrison and thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Happy 9th Birthday!

No home learning today for CC because it's his birthday!   He has sent a message with his picture to say "I hope to see my friends at school soon so that I can give them a treat."  Wow!  Look at all those gifts!   Happy Birthday!  9 today!  I hope you will all join me in wishing him a Happy Birthday - I will pull his hair virtually and say 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and 1 for Good Luck!  Hen, Goose or Feather?  What do you all think CC would say?  I think he'd say Feather!  Let's go on forever!  Then he would get dizzy and say Goose - let loose!  Have a lovely day.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 Wednesday's Home Learning creations

Well done to Reuben!  He was busy yesterday doing Maths and learning more about fractions from the White Rose link.  Great work Reueben!  I am also impressed with Sophie and Brooke who have made these amazing Tudor houses!  They could make a Tudor village with these!

Meanwhile, I have received an update from Annabelle - she has been busy doing Maths and is ready to read The Twits and answer some questions about the story.  As you can see, she has also created a fanatastic poster about Teeth!  Well done!



Maisie created a lovely poster to encourage us all to save these hard working and amazing creatures. A very factual and essential guide to keep our precious bees alive. Well done!


Theo's amazing work

Theo watched a video about importance of bees and he created a fact file explaining why bees are in danger and what makes them so important. Super work Theo! I know your mission is "top secret" and "for my eyes only" but I couldn't resist sharing it with everybody. 

Year 4 Tudor Home Learning

I am impressed with Scarlett's research on King Henry VIII's ship The Mary Rose!  Lovely work.  Well done also to Bradley who has created an amazing portrait of King Edward VI and a great poster on Healthy Teeth!   Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley
